Marie’s 90th Photos
Note: There are new downloads at the bottom of this page in the downloads section
Viewing images
Click each photo to view it in a lightbox. You’ll be able to scroll through each photo at a larger size.
If you encounter problems or need technical support, please send an email to or send me a text at (701) 412-7226.
Downloading images
Find instructions on how to download (at the bottom of this page)
Two group photos – edited
Susie Nordstrom’s Photos
Adam Zavalney’s Photos
Downloading instructions
Downloading individual photos
*Directions for using a desktop computer to download individual, full-size JPG images
- View the individual photo you’d like to download using the lightbox (if you click on the photo thumbnails, the lightbox slideshow will appear in a pop-up window)
- Right-click on the photo and choose “Open image in new tab”, which will open the image in a new tab in your browser
- Click on the new tab to see your photo
- Right click on the photo and choose “Save photo as” in order to save your photo onto your desired location on your computer
Downloading the TV slideshow
*Directions for using a desktop computer to download individual, full-size JPG images
- Click the button to download the zip file for each
- Unzip the zip file to view on your own computer.
Viewing the 8mm video
- Click the button to view the 8mm film via Google Drive
- Unfortunately the only way to save/download the video is to log in with your Google account and save it to your own personal drive account.
- If you want the raw video file, please contact Joe Gruber and he can personally email it to you
Download all photos at once
Each set of photos is available to download as a ZIP file. They’re identified by who took the photos and which grouping they are. For example, the photos that Adam Zavalney took are grouped into 9 parts due to the large quantity and high resolution.
*Note the 8mm file is a very large download!